Virtual Damage Prevention Conference

International Dunnage

We have participated the Virtual Damage Prevention & Freight Claim Conference by the Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) and Association of American Railways (AAR) that took place between June 8 and 10, 2021. This year, we sponsored the Conference with a Premium Exhibitor Profile and hosted meetings via our Virtual Booth.

This was the first virtual event for the Damage Prevention & Freight Claim Conference and it gave participants the chance to join for live industry talks, Q & A panels and networking opportunities. We met our visitors at our Booth with special offers and surprises.

Keynote speakers in the Conference included representatives of the Canadian National Railway (CN), Railway Association of Canada (RAC), National Research Council – Canada (NRC), and the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC). We were delighted to conduct meetings with our visitors at  our virtual exhibit booth.

We highly appreciate the value-added provided by the AAR in our industry and we take great pride in participating and supporting AAR conferences and trainings.

We are looking forward to becoming a part of further organizations by AAR and TCCI.
