Freight transport safety has always been a priority in the transportation sector. Billions of tons of material are transported every year, and safe transportation of these materials is critical for the satisfaction of businesses and consumers.
Safe transportation covers all measures taken to ensure the safe transportation of people, vehicles and cargo. Situations such as sudden braking, sliding, or collisions of vehicles traveling at high speeds on the road can cause damage not only to goods but also to the vehicles and the people in those vehicles.
Therefore, both the conditions of the vehicle and the freight must be taken into consideration for transportation safety.
Safe transportation includes monitoring all processes from the beginning to the end of transportation. The packaging of goods, freighting and unfreighting operations, preservation during transportation, and delivery must all ensure the safety of the goods.
Safe transportation is important for both the owners of goods and the companies that carry out transportation.
Owners of goods do not want to worry about the safe transportation of their goods, Companies that are in charge of the transportation want to ensure the safety of the people ,vehicles and cargo during the transportation process to maintain their reputation, to increase customer satisfaction and avoid possible compensation claims.
There are different methods applied to ensure the safe transportation of goods. Dunnage materials are among these methods.
Dunnage materials prevent the movement of goods during transportation and create a protective layer around the freight to prevent it from being damaged. These materials can be made from various materials such as wood, plastic, foam, cardboard, etc.
Choosing the right dunnage materials is essential for safe freight transport. This selection should be made according to the type, size, weight, and conditions of the Cargo as well as the transportation mode. The wrong choice can lead to further damage.
At International Dunnage, we offer various dunnage materials to provide our customers with the best solutions for freight transport safety. Our customers can choose the appropriate dunnage materials to ensure the proper protection and transportation of their goods.
Dunnage Airbags are effective protection solutions that are used in load securement. Dunnage Airbags are used to protect the freight from shocks and prevent it from being damaged during transportation.
Dunnage Airbags are placed in the voids between the cargo and inflated with air to fill the void, stabilizing the cargo, preventing the goods to shift and minimizing the impacts of sudden movements in the vehicle.
Dunnage Airbags also offer advantages in terms of ease of use and transportation flexibility. Dunnage Airbags are designed to fit best according to different types and shapes of cargo and ensures to hold the freight in place, minimizing potential movements and risk of damage to the freight during transportation.
Many risks, such as slipping, falling, collision, and damage can arise during the transportation of goods. Therefore, ensuring the safety of freight transport is crucial for the successful completion of transportation.
At International Dunnage, we focus on offering the best transportation protection solutions to meet our customers’ transportation safety needs. We offer various transportation protection solutions to our customers with an extensive portfolio of dunnage airbags, strapping, anti-slip mats and desiccant bags.
For detailed information about freight transport safety, visit the official website of International Dunnage